Honeywell R7847A1033 flame amplifier

Honeywell R7847A1033 flame amplifier

Category: Flame Amplifier

Product Details
Flame failure response time: 2 or 3 sec Type: Rectification
Honeywell R7847A1033 flame amplifier
Solid state plug-in amplifiers that respond to flame detector inputs to indicate the presence of flame when used with 7800 SERIES relay modules. * Flame failure response time of 0.8 or 3.0 seconds (1.0 or 2.0 for CE approved devices). * Flame signal strength ranges from 0.0 to 5.0 Vdc. * Plug into 7800 relay module through printed circuit board edge connector keyed for proper orientation. * Flame signal test jacks to measure amplifier flame signal voltage. * Color-coded labels identify flame detection type. * Dynamic Self-Check Amplifier test the detectors and all electronic components in the flame detection system. * Ampli-check tests the amplifier and 7800 SERIES Relay. * None (standard) is just tested at normal system startup. * 7800 SERIES relay module locks out on safety shutdown with flame detection system failure. * Compatible with existing Honeywell flame detectors (order separately). Approvals, Underwriters Laboratories Inc.: Listed: File No. MP268, Guide No. MCCZ Approvals, CSA: Certified: File No. LR95329-3 Approvals, Swiss RE: Acceptable Approvals, Factory Mutual: Approved: Report No. 1V9A0.AF

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